Friday, May 18, 2012


Given the short distance from the hospital to our house the trip home was uneventful. When we got home we brought Becca inside in her carrier and put her down in our family room. Chloe immediately came over to smell and inspect her, but Izzy stayed away for a few days. Since then both cats have been amazing! They may stay away when she cries too much or too loudly, but for the most part they like to sit in the same room as her by her pack n play. It made Jordan and I happy that they seem to be adjust so well so far!
Welcome Home Becca!!
Chloe checking Becca out
Izzy wants to see what this thing is that keeps crying!
Jordan and I sat down on the couch with Becca and were kinda like "what next?" You spend nine months preparing yourself for a baby, but yet the day you bring them home it feels so surreal. My parents were still staying with us for a few nights so they ran out to the drug store to pick up my prescriptions and other supplies. We took the time to enjoy the silence for a moment and then Jordan set to work setting up the pack and play and getting other things ready.

What's next?
Coming home was tiring!
We finally got settled into a routine over the next week. It was great that Jordan was able to be at home for the whole week and we enjoyed the time we were all able to spent together. Becca slept pretty well at night. Usually going for 2-3 hours stretches between feedings. That first week she spent a lot of time sleeping on our chests and we enjoyed having her close by.

Mommy and Becca
Daddy and Becca (and her monkey butt!)
It was nice having my parents with us the first few days we were home. They offered the perfect amount of support and it was comforting to know that if something happened they were close by to offer assistance. Jordan's parents were over daily for visits and helped give us a break holding Becca, bring meals, and helping with Becca's transition to the bottle. I don't think that we can thank our families enough for all the support they gave us during our time at home!
Mia and Grampy
Gigi giving Becca her first bottle
Grandaddy and Becca

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