Can't believe that I am considered full term today! I could certainly use three more weeks to get ourselves and the house ready!
37 weeks |
We had an appointment on Monday and everything went well. Our doctor decided to wait until this upcoming Monday (only 3 more days!) for our scheduled ultrasound and will check baby girl's position and size. We are hoping that she had a chance to flip into the right position, but we shall see. I am okay with the doctor's decision to wait and give her another week, but the unknown is sure driving me crazy. I am really looking forward to Monday when I feel like I will have more information.
Other than that I am still doing really well. I start getting tired in the afternoon, but that can only be expected. Still trying to get nursery projects finished up. Almost everything is washed and put away - that is mostly how I spent last Sunday. Just a few more things to do, plus the wall art. Right now we have a blank canvas!! We also had our monthly girls night last weekend. Depending on when Becca wants to arrive that may be my last one for a couple months as we get adjusted.
We also got a great picture of the three pregnant ladies! It has been fun sharing the experience!
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