Can't believe that we are in the final stretch. My due date is only in 5 short weeks.
35 weeks |
We had a doctors appointment this past Monday. Everything is still good with both me and the baby girl. This appointment we were meeting another doctor in the practice that could potentially be there on delivery day. He seemed very nice. After he measured my belly he also checked her position and thought that she might be breech. A quick check with an ultrasound confirmed his suspicions. He said that we can talk to our regular doctor at our next appointment and see what she suggests. Typically if babies are breech they will schedule a c-section at 39 weeks. She still has time to flip, so I am trying to not think about it too much.
The idea of a c-section doesn't really bother me. I realize that it is major surgery and the recovery time is longer, but I've told Jordan all along that what I want the most for labor/delivery is for her to get here safe and healthy. However, I always thought that I would be trying for a vaginal birth and if things didn't progress or something goes wrong then have the c-section option.
For now we are just going to wait, see what happens and talk to the doctor at the next appointment.
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