Can't believe we are almost down to the final month! When I checked one of the baby websites, it said 31 days. Wow! Jordan and I have been keeping ourselves busy both getting ready for baby and enjoying our last weeks of non-parenthood.
Last Monday night we had our last infant care class. We both agreed that while it was interesting it wasn't all that helpful. The second half was definitely better than the first. They were teaching the techniques for swaddling the baby and calming them down. Still I'm glad we went, I'm sure we gained something from the class that will come back to us, when Becca gets here!
Jordan gets practice diapering a baby. |
Tuesday night we went to see Wicked at Chrysler Hall. It was a great musical and really enjoyed the night out! The rest of the week was working and relaxing at night. Jordan played poker on Friday night and I had a quiet night at home.
Saturday, we went to Michaels and I purchased supplies for an art project I want to do over Becca's crib (must get on that!). We went and hung out with friends in the evening, definitely a different St. Patrick's Day than I am used too!! Sunday, we moved all of the gifts from the last shower into the nursery. Jordan got to see everything and we got it all reorganized. He put together our glider while I started doing laundry and trying to figure out a place to put everything. That is what has me stressed out right now. I don't know yet how to take care of a newborn, so I don't know the best place for the diapers, clothes, blankets, extra sheets, etc. I know it will be a continuous work in progress, but I guess I need a good place to start as well! We also went out to dinner to celebrate the engagement of Jordan's brother Robert and his girlfriend (fiance) Jenn. Busy day and week, but so happy that there are so many good things happening in our life!!