Thursday, March 29, 2012

37 weeks

Can't believe that I am considered full term today! I could certainly use three more weeks to get ourselves and the house ready!
37 weeks
We had an appointment on Monday and everything went well. Our doctor decided to wait until this upcoming Monday (only 3 more days!) for our scheduled ultrasound and will check baby girl's position and size. We are hoping that she had a chance to flip into the right position, but we shall see. I am okay with the doctor's decision to wait and give her another week, but the unknown is sure driving me crazy. I am really looking forward to Monday when I feel like I will have more information.

Other than that I am still doing really well. I start getting tired in the afternoon, but that can only be expected. Still trying to get nursery projects finished up. Almost everything is washed and put away - that is mostly how I spent last Sunday. Just a few more things to do, plus the wall art. Right now we have a blank canvas!! We also had our monthly girls night last weekend. Depending on when Becca wants to arrive that may be my last one for a couple months as we get adjusted.
 We also got a great picture of the three pregnant ladies! It has been fun sharing the experience!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

36 weeks

I can't believe that I am 36 weeks pregnant. Next week I will be considered full term. So much easier at this point to say I have 4 weeks left until my due date!

36 weeks

I have another doctors appointment coming up on Monday, so hopefully we'll get an update on baby girl's position. Besides the usual check up we are also going to be talking to the doctor about a birth plan. We've got a little research and some talking to do this weekend. My main goal is a healthy baby and healthy mommy, but I know there is a little more to it than that!

Other than that, I can physically tell I am getting closer to the end. Amazing how your body seems to change almost over night. My feet are starting to swell by the end of the day and I get tired more easily. Plus it is just harder to move around. Really if these are my biggest pregnancy problems, I still can't complain. I have definitely been more emotional in the last week as well. That is almost harder for me because I have so many emotions going on. Excited, scared and nervous for Becca to arrive. Stressed about getting everything ready and perfect in our house and nursery. And the unknown worries me, I have my due date in my mind, but I realize it can happen sooner. That doesn't make it easy for the planner/organizer in me!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Counting down the weeks

Can't believe we are almost down to the final month! When I checked one of the baby websites, it said 31 days. Wow! Jordan and I have been keeping ourselves busy both getting ready for baby and enjoying our last weeks of non-parenthood.

Last Monday night we had our last infant care class. We both agreed that while it was interesting it wasn't all that helpful. The second half was definitely better than the first. They were teaching the techniques for swaddling the baby and calming them down. Still I'm glad we went, I'm sure we gained something from the class that will come back to us, when Becca gets here!
Jordan gets practice diapering a baby.
Tuesday night we went to see Wicked at Chrysler Hall. It was a great musical and really enjoyed the night out! The rest of the week was working and relaxing at night. Jordan played poker on Friday night and I had a quiet night at home.

Saturday, we went to Michaels and I purchased supplies for an art project I want to do over Becca's crib (must get on that!). We went and hung out with friends in the evening, definitely a different St. Patrick's Day than I am used too!! Sunday, we moved all of the gifts from the last shower into the nursery. Jordan got to see everything and we got it all reorganized. He put together our glider while I started doing laundry and trying to figure out a place to put everything. That is what has me stressed out right now. I don't know yet how to take care of a newborn, so I don't know the best place for the diapers, clothes, blankets, extra sheets, etc. I know it will be a continuous work in progress, but I guess I need a good place to start as well! We also went out to dinner to celebrate the engagement of Jordan's brother Robert and his girlfriend (fiance) Jenn. Busy day and week, but so happy that there are so many good things happening in our life!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

35 weeks

Can't believe that we are in the final stretch. My due date is only in 5 short weeks.
35 weeks
We had a doctors appointment this past Monday. Everything is still good with both me and the baby girl. This appointment we were meeting another doctor in the practice that could potentially be there on delivery day. He seemed very nice. After he measured my belly he also checked her position and thought that she might be breech. A quick check with an ultrasound confirmed his suspicions. He said that we can talk to our regular doctor at our next appointment and see what she suggests. Typically if babies are breech they will schedule a c-section at 39 weeks. She still has time to flip, so I am trying to not think about it too much.

The idea of a c-section doesn't really bother me. I realize that it is major surgery and the recovery time is longer, but I've told Jordan all along that what I want the most for labor/delivery is for her to get here safe and healthy. However, I always thought that I would be trying for a vaginal birth and if things didn't progress or something goes wrong then have the c-section option.

For now we are just going to wait, see what happens and talk to the doctor at the next appointment.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shower in Virginia

We were certainly lucky to have three showers to celebrate Becca. It was overwhelming how much love and support we have received. My mother in law hosted our third shower and it was just as fantastic as the other two. It was on Sunday afternoon at the Greenbrier Country Club. She did a great job decorating the tables and room so that we could "Welcome the Princess."

 We enjoyed a delicious lunch, played some games and opened lots of presents. I think we are just about set for her arrival now, we got some more of the baby necessities (diapers, wipes, blankets, mattress protectors etc.) along with lots of new clothes. While we were at the shower, Jordan went golfing with his Dad and one of his brothers. The weather was perfect to be outside for the afternoon.

After the shower (and unloading the gifts into our garage) we went out to dinner with the family. It was a nice, relaxing end to a day dedicated to celebrating the arrival of our princess.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

34 weeks

I know I haven't been good about taking belly pictures weekly, but from here on out I am going to try! I am 34 weeks today and still feeling really good. I keep saying how lucky I am, but I truly feel that way. I keep hoping that I can stay this way at least through the end of the month to finish up (or I mean start) decorating the nursery, plus I want to get some freezer meals made and enjoy the quiet time while we still have it! I have another doctors appointment Monday, so hopefully everything still looks good!
34 weeks

We did get a huge thing checked off our to do list this past week, day care. I had been putting off calling and going to check out the facilities mostly because I just didn't want to deal with it. I knew the cost would be hard to stomach, it will be hard having to think about leaving our baby somewhere during the day, and I was still undecided about a facility versus in home care. Well I did cry as we were driving to check the first one out and even though I know it won't be easy when the time comes to actually leave her the centers weren't as bad as I had imagined. We looked at 3 locations and then I noticed 1 other place that was also accepting infants for enrollment. The 4th place is where we ended up choosing, so I'm glad I saw the sign and we got to look at the 4th place!

We are very excited because my mother in law is planning on helping us out and watching the little princess a couple days a week. It makes me so happy knowing that she will be with family and someone who loves her during those days!

Showers of Friendship

This past weekend my friend Melissa threw me a baby shower to celebrate Rebecca. It was a perfect afternoon for us girlfriends to get together and catch up. Most of the girls I get to see on a semi-regular basis because we do a monthly girls night. The others were some of my girlfriends from college and a previous job. We enjoyed some snacks and wonderful desserts, played a few games and opened gifts. Becca got lots of new clothes and books amongst the other baby necessities - it shows that she can be both stylish and smart!

I took a few pictures, but none turned out too great. I know some of the other girls had their cameras there, so I will have to see if I can get some of those. Melissa did an amazing job and I can't thank her enough!!

Delicious dessert table!!