Sunday, September 23, 2012

Open Wide

After Rebecca's four month check up we got the all clear to start giving her rice cereal; followed by vegetables and fruits, if she seemed interested. For a couple weeks she has been watching us while we ate and occasionally grabbing for stuff so we thought for sure she was ready. The first time we tried to give her the rice cereal she got it everywhere, but her mouth. Clearly not interested. Jordan and I have both tried it and it doesn't taste very good, so I can't blame her!

Unsuspecting, enjoying the high chair.

Unsure of what is happening, but willing to play along.

Over It!!

 We tried a couple days later and it was a little better, but still didn't seem ready for it. After a week or two break we tried again and now she seems to be enjoying it. Rebecca will eat up (or cover herself with) all the cereal I make for her and then we follow it up with a bottle.

Clearly enjoying herself. Likes the rice cereal and love getting messy!

We are going to be starting on the veggies soon and I am going to attempt to make at least some of her baby food!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Monthly Pictures and a Date Night

We've been taking monthly photos of Rebecca and I thought I'd do a quick recap of the first four months. I look forward to seeing the progression through the year. At first I didn't notice a big change between months 2 and 3, but now I can see that is when her personality started to come out!!

Right before leaving the hospital - 4 days old
Trying to figure out what we are doing and why we are making her lay on the floor alone
She gets it now,  "just lay here for pictures and don't cry and it will be over sooner..."

"I'll smile if it means you'll pick me up soon!"

All smiles now -  "I love being the center of attention"

This past weekend, Labor Day, Jordan and I had a rehearsal dinner and wedding to attend. Jordan's parents had the privilege of watching Becca both nights. I hated having to leave her, but it felt good to have some grown up time. Especially since we got to dress up. I know we need to make an effort at date nights (or days) for Jordan and I, but I feel like with us both working the time we do have with her is so precious!