One of the biggest things Jordan and I have worried about was the adjustment our kitties would have to make to the new addition. They are our babies, but we know that once we bring our baby girl home she will be much more important to us, but we still wanted to make sure Chloe and Izzy are important.
As we've cleaned house, moved their food and litter box, decorated and put together a nursery we took each step slow so that they could adjust. In doing reading and talking to friends (thanks Betsy!!) we were all set to bring something of Becca's home from the hospital for them to smell and adjust to and then when we brought her home from the hospital to let them approach her.
I have always said I will do everything I could to keep our cats and make the adjustment easy for them.
Then came this past Sunday. There are a couple "stray" neighborhood cats. One of them has been coming over and attacking our cats through the windows. Usually Izzy will be upset for a bit and hiss and growl and Chloe because she thinks she is the outdoor cat, but generally will be better in a couple hours. Sunday morning I woke up at 6:30am to the hissing/growling/running in the house. I woke Jordan, because he can move faster than me, and he went downstairs. Izzy was up high hissing and growling. Come to find out she has also sprayed in the house. We spent most of the day trying to get them to tolerate each other again, but each time Izzy would hiss, growl, and sprayed twice more. Totally not how we wanted to spend our last day before we became parents!!
We put Izzy in the spare room, hoping that overnight things would magically be better. We have been trying to reintroduce them to each other. Things are a bit better today, but not perfect. We're hoping with a little time they will at least tolerate each other. Problem of course being we won't be home to monitor things.
I realize that once we get to the hospital and Miss Becca arrives she will be our main concern, but for right now my heart breaks every time I think about our kitties. Let's hope that time really does heal all wounds!
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