Way back over Thanksgiving weekend, Jordan and I started to clean out the office. We did a pretty good job of getting most of it done but then the rest of the holiday season got in the way. My dad had talked about coming down to help paint and put up some chair rail for us, so we knew come January we would have to get a move on it. Turned out my mom could get some time off around MLK Day, so that end of January/early February visit ended up being a little sooner. We had our work cut out for us!
We also ended up finally deciding on a crib and changing table, so we got that order placed. Besides that we got everything cleared out of the room, got the carpets cleaned and picked out paint. We were finally set for our crew to arrive. We also got to spend Saturday putting the crib together, so it really started to feel like a nursery. Obviously a deadline works for us!
Before shot of empty room (from doorway) |
Before shot of room (looking towards closet) |
Putting together the crib. Only half of the parts! Jordan, of course, is getting help from Chloe and Izzy! |
The crib all put together! |
My parents arrived on Sunday afternoon. After relaxing for a bit, Jordan and I watched the Packers playoff game and my parents started taping off the room. There seemed to be something wrong with that picture, but don't worry I made them a good dinner! The next morning they got started on the painting and Jordan and I were off to work. When we came home for lunch they had one coat done and were ready to start the second. By the time we got home that evening, the painting was finished and the chair rail was painted and ready to be hung the next day. We met Jordan's parents for dinner and then it was home to bed!
Tuesday was spent putting up the chair rail. I left early from work that day, so I could spend a little extra time with my parents. Plus my mom and I made a little trip to Babies R Us. It was so great to see the room with the chair rail up. Jordan and I were a bit worried (okay more me - I had several emotional breakdowns about the room, bedding, colors, etc.) about how everything would look together. Thankfully we loved it!!
After shot (from doorway) |
After shot (looking towards closet) |
Painted room with crib and changing table/dresser |